It's time. 8 hours til we head to the airport and begin our 20 hour journey to Phoenix! I am packed and ready.
This post will be short and my last here in this country of love. I want to extend another huge thanks to everyone who came last night to hang out at our g-bye bash. Close to 15 total people at Carmel bar - the most hoppin joint in Curitiba - meeting new friends of friends and loving every last minute spent with all those important to my time here in Curitiba! I have to say its awesome how 2 American girls can bring together a great diverse group of people in a very small amount of time! Moving mountains here! ;)
SO AGAIN THANK YOU ALL!!! Keep in touch...beijoosss...
Até depois...thcau tchau por agora! xoxo
Beautiful Curitiba
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Mais dois dias...
Well... it's been quite a journey! Almost 2 1/2 months here and we are returning in 2 days! Back to the states we come. I will miss this beautiful country but I have to say I miss my home and cannot wait to see everyone!
This experience will remain with me forever - mainly the people we've crossed paths with and the friends we've made will be missed! Saudades de vocês!!! Thank you to all my teachers at Berlitz - not knowing the language when coming here made it so hard to adjust and now, because of our awesome professors, I can understand so much in Portuguese!!! The best part is I am able to navigate the city without worries of being misunderstood!
Our last week here it has been a little cloudy and rainy - (I think Curitiba is crying because we are leaving soon!) ;) Yesterday our papai returned from São Paulo! We went to this delicious Couer Douce restaurant followed by a lovely trip to the bank and then to run in the RAIN at Parque Barigui! There were about 6 or 7 total runners at this flooded rainy park - US being 2 of those runners. My dad said we are hardcore and obviously die hards when it comes to working out. I have to say it was definitely raining...not just sprinkling. Two people we met under this hut asked us if we were training or professional athletes! haha! They must have thought we were crazy. And finally we celebrated our friend Juliana's birthday! Feliz Aniversário Ju!!!! Last day here before tomorrow evenings departure... we are going to see the famous Museo de Oscar Neimeyer here in Curitiba! Than its time to PACK, PACK, PACK!!!!!
ENjoy some more pics below!!!
This experience will remain with me forever - mainly the people we've crossed paths with and the friends we've made will be missed! Saudades de vocês!!! Thank you to all my teachers at Berlitz - not knowing the language when coming here made it so hard to adjust and now, because of our awesome professors, I can understand so much in Portuguese!!! The best part is I am able to navigate the city without worries of being misunderstood!
Our last week here it has been a little cloudy and rainy - (I think Curitiba is crying because we are leaving soon!) ;) Yesterday our papai returned from São Paulo! We went to this delicious Couer Douce restaurant followed by a lovely trip to the bank and then to run in the RAIN at Parque Barigui! There were about 6 or 7 total runners at this flooded rainy park - US being 2 of those runners. My dad said we are hardcore and obviously die hards when it comes to working out. I have to say it was definitely raining...not just sprinkling. Two people we met under this hut asked us if we were training or professional athletes! haha! They must have thought we were crazy. And finally we celebrated our friend Juliana's birthday! Feliz Aniversário Ju!!!! Last day here before tomorrow evenings departure... we are going to see the famous Museo de Oscar Neimeyer here in Curitiba! Than its time to PACK, PACK, PACK!!!!!
ENjoy some more pics below!!!
With Momma! The bar downstairs at the resort - or should i cal it the Discoteca! ha!
Oh why are you so tall!? haa! love my mimi.
Praia do Forte!
O Corpo do Jouglas!
Oh how i will miss our classes!
Baggio Pizza!!
Our awesome waiter friend! Everyone knows us here. hilarious! He's like oh the Arizona girls are back!
A great band... they might need to work on English a little bit though when singing American music!
INTERESTING SHOW. haha. thanks Ana for inviting us!
Atleticoooo! the Stadium!
Coca-Cola is the biggest Sponsor!
our new friend Paulo! Speaks english too!
THEY WIN! look at the flares back there!
UNREAL! the celbrations here for the fans are outrageous!
so much futebol here! such fun :)
See you soon America!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Morning Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Brazilian Love
Love is always in the air here. I swear its a PDA country. I assume Italy is exactly the same way. The question I come to is why isn't America? Why is it so hard to just show your feelings? Maybe this is the root of our economies problems - the act of showing love has gone astray. Greed, politics, and the government have come to the front lines in our land of the free. Now, I only notice this because here in Brazil LOVE is omnipresent. And here the economy is booming. hmmm.... Love heals all?
For example:
Tiff and I drove to the big park today - Parque Barigui - and ran 2 miles followed by 30 minute strength and core exercises. During this amazing cardiovascular workout we watched a few couples by the lake, relaxing on blankets, on benches just talking, laughing, holding hands, flirting, hugging, embracing each other and 'making-out' every 3 minutes. IN PUBLIC. And no one 'bats an eye.' It's beautiful. One couple held each other hugging for almost 30 minutes... they all appear to be at such peace and just enjoying one another's company. Focused solely in that moment with that person. (This is rare for EVERYONE I know in the States.) The girls here even walk hand-in-hand or rollerblade holding hands. Crossing the street girls are arm-in-arm and kissing here is an everyday adventure (cheek to cheek that is). A welcoming gesture similar to the hugs we give in the US. It's just custom.
Where has the love gone in our country? How can love heal when it's rarely shared and only revealed in times of grief?
I bring this up as well because my past cheer coach - Neal Yasami - now The Peace Artist - has these same beliefs. He is embarking on a journey - somewhat of a pilgrimage of his own in 3 days around the continental US, in hopes to find or rediscover the 'good' in people, that love and caring nature between strangers still exists. A year traveling with only his art supplies, a tent, and a sleeping bag, running 25 miles a day, 6 days a week, trading his art for food, shelter, and anything he may need on this long enduring quest. Now thats putting your Faith in people. Please check out his website and find him on Facebook under - The Peace Artist.
He's is an amazing teacher and friend.
A quote from his blogging which I think is wonderful and want to share:
This is it; this is your life. Are you who you want to be? Live beautifully. Live your life compassionately, that way at the moment of your death, when your life flashes before your eyes, and your relive all that you have done, you can enjoy it a second time. I think that the true nature of hell, is being unable to make a change or make a difference. Hell is regretting that we didn’t love when we still have the chance.
So I leave with this - "Love one another as you love yourself!" Or as Ghandi said - "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
America should emulate the brazilian ways... Just Love. :) It's really not that hard!
For example:
Tiff and I drove to the big park today - Parque Barigui - and ran 2 miles followed by 30 minute strength and core exercises. During this amazing cardiovascular workout we watched a few couples by the lake, relaxing on blankets, on benches just talking, laughing, holding hands, flirting, hugging, embracing each other and 'making-out' every 3 minutes. IN PUBLIC. And no one 'bats an eye.' It's beautiful. One couple held each other hugging for almost 30 minutes... they all appear to be at such peace and just enjoying one another's company. Focused solely in that moment with that person. (This is rare for EVERYONE I know in the States.) The girls here even walk hand-in-hand or rollerblade holding hands. Crossing the street girls are arm-in-arm and kissing here is an everyday adventure (cheek to cheek that is). A welcoming gesture similar to the hugs we give in the US. It's just custom.
Where has the love gone in our country? How can love heal when it's rarely shared and only revealed in times of grief?
I bring this up as well because my past cheer coach - Neal Yasami - now The Peace Artist - has these same beliefs. He is embarking on a journey - somewhat of a pilgrimage of his own in 3 days around the continental US, in hopes to find or rediscover the 'good' in people, that love and caring nature between strangers still exists. A year traveling with only his art supplies, a tent, and a sleeping bag, running 25 miles a day, 6 days a week, trading his art for food, shelter, and anything he may need on this long enduring quest. Now thats putting your Faith in people. Please check out his website and find him on Facebook under - The Peace Artist.
He's is an amazing teacher and friend.
A quote from his blogging which I think is wonderful and want to share:
This is it; this is your life. Are you who you want to be? Live beautifully. Live your life compassionately, that way at the moment of your death, when your life flashes before your eyes, and your relive all that you have done, you can enjoy it a second time. I think that the true nature of hell, is being unable to make a change or make a difference. Hell is regretting that we didn’t love when we still have the chance.
So I leave with this - "Love one another as you love yourself!" Or as Ghandi said - "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
America should emulate the brazilian ways... Just Love. :) It's really not that hard!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Old Town Salvador and Praia do Forte - Salvador, Bahia
Caipoeira Master!
The Lighthouse is behind us!
teaching us how to play this unique brazilian instrument...
Street Art - Graffiti
Oh Old Town Salvador - so many churches! almost every 100 meters there is a church.
Instruments brought over from Africa - used now in Brazil.
Streets of Old Town Salvador...
Pitchfork - FORK EM DEVILS!
Praia do Forte - Hotel Iberostar! aka... BLISS.
Sister Tiffany and Mimi!
The small town of Praia do Forte...
Our coconut leaf flowers - made by a bahian fellow local artist on the streets while we were having dinner!
MAIS!!! yay.. Tiff and Momma!
Planking!!!!!! GO MIMI GO! (the new thing - check it out on Google - Extreme planking.)
SO SILLYYYYY.... and so many more...these are just a few from these trips... I think we have about 700 total. CRAZY. Check out Tiff's facebook for all of them. ;)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Rio and Salvador Pics!
"the girl from Ipanema goes walking...."
Dos Irmãos
Street Fair - Fresh Fruit and Veggies!
Puts the vegetables in the U.S to shame....
Samba bar! Carioca de Gema!
oh so yummy... :) "do you guys wanna go get some coconuts?"
Every night huge cheap street fair!
Yummy flavored caipirinhas!!
Cashew (Caju) flavor!
Momma and Me!
Dad gets the fruity girl drink. ;)
Praia do Forte Hotel and Resort
View from our hotel villa !! OCEAN VIEW!! :)
Our beds...
and a towel made elephant waiting for us! haha!
And me and my fave sis...
This place is beautiful... i wish all my friends could be here to enjoy this loveliness with us!! LOVES TO YOU ALL!! xo
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