Beautiful Curitiba

Beautiful Curitiba

Friday, August 5, 2011

Old Town Salvador and Praia do Forte - Salvador, Bahia

Caipoeira Master!

The Lighthouse is behind us!

teaching us how to play this unique brazilian instrument... 

Street Art - Graffiti

Oh Old Town Salvador - so many churches! almost every 100 meters there is a church.

Instruments brought over from Africa - used now in Brazil.

Streets of Old Town Salvador...

Pitchfork - FORK EM DEVILS!

Praia do Forte - Hotel Iberostar! aka... BLISS.

Sister Tiffany and Mimi!

The small town of Praia do Forte...

Our coconut leaf flowers - made by a bahian fellow local artist on the streets while we were having dinner!

MAIS!!! yay.. Tiff and Momma!

Planking!!!!!! GO MIMI GO! (the new thing - check it out on Google - Extreme planking.)

SO SILLYYYYY.... and so many more...these are just a few from these trips... I think we have about 700 total. CRAZY. Check out Tiff's facebook for all of them. ;)

1 comment:

  1. umm Demi looks like she's floating on air. crazy photo! love YOU!
