Beautiful Curitiba

Beautiful Curitiba

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Arrived Alive!

Traveling to Brazil is a pain. Plain and simple…not gonna sugar coat it. Ha! Here at my Dad’s apartment is nice though – on the 8th floor of the 9-story building we see beautiful views from every window of Curitiba.  Absolutely breathtaking and pretty cool to be able to watch the city at work during the day and coming to life at night (besides the horrible construction we wake up to every morning on the lot behind our building!) It’s like freshman year in PV West all over again!
 In this 3 bedroom 4-bath I’m sharing a room with my sister and have finally unpacked my 3 gi-normous bags. I’m super pumped to have finished with that and I’m honestly amazed how nice this place is!  Last night my dad and I went to the mall where I helped him pick out new dishware and some other necessary kitchen items, following this we ventured to the supermarket ‘Angeloni’ – a marca da sua casa’ – and learned a lot of new food words while shopping around  - touring through the market is like it’s own Brazilian textbook. Peru=Turkey… Frango=Chicken… so on so forth!
            For those of you dying to know – we will have Internet here on Monday – complete access for all of us to utilize the network here – THANK GOD! Skype is the best form of communication, so maybe get an account if you want to chitchat with the Varty Party! I was excited last night to have the chance to Skype with Mark (YAY!), my mom and my bestest lil sis ever – MIMI! 

**The only way we can be online here at my dads – until this Monday – is if his iPhone is here – because we access the internet through his phones network.**

            Just got back from dinner - some Spanish Tapas (Tapeo) restaurant. YUM! We leave for Sao Paulo tomorrow and will be there for the shareholders board meeting and to visit with our cousins and our parents and grandparents longtime friends Dennis and Monica. We will return on Sunday and will begin our Portuguese lessons (MUCH NEEDED so we don’t feel so foreign here) next week!

Tchau (ciao) for now! J


1 comment:

  1. Awe good old times in PV West :-). Sorry you have such a loud awakening but it sounds like everything else amazing will make up for it!! I am glad to hear you are getting all settled and will be starting your language lessons soon!
