Beautiful Curitiba

Beautiful Curitiba

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Papai Day!

Well I totally forgot it was Father's Day today. AWESOME. At least we are with our Dad 24/7. Happy Father's Day papai. (They don't celebrate this day here in Brazil... probably why I forgot!)AH!  A quick blog from me tonight... since I'm not in the normal peppy Nat mode. Adjusting, adapting, and being away from everyone for me is always hard the first 3 weeks (especially when you can't communicate with anyone). It's like I am in one of those glass snow balls and watching everyone around me interact while I am stuck waiting... hoping that the glass will break soon!!! Anyways enough with the analogy... that's just me and my current state. So I will just deal with it. Wish I could change that aspect about it. LANGUAGE LESSONS START THIS WEEK.

On a side note - DEMI: I love you. And again I wish I had been there last night at your dance production. I know you were Amazing. You are the best EVER.

Here is a quick list of what we did while in Sao Paulo this weekend!

1. Dinner at the Rubiyat in Itiam Bebe with a group of the owners in Coca-Cola.(YUM!)
2. Went to our birth hospital - The Albert Einstein  - the amazing place where we entered this world!
3. Drove to our parents old home and grandparents home to check them out - according to my dad they look exactly the same!
4. Walked through the Ibirapuera Parque for an hour. (Picture is above.) They sell coconuts for you to drink/stay hydrated there at every stand! CRAZY.
5. Visited and ate the most amazing dinner at Dennis and Monica's house where we also met our cousin Johnny and his wife Helen.
6. Slept a little.
7. Met up and had lunch with another cousin Nicholas and his family at a lovely restaurant.
8. Drove back to Curitiba (6 hour drive). kill me. that road and the people who drive on it are nutso.

And a lot of other little stuff!
OK. pictures to come... just not now :) Much love. miss you all.

1 comment:

  1. How awesome that you are getting to meet up with so much family!!! And it sounds like good eats too- I am jealous of that since I live offof Starbucks and leftovers :-). I noticed you girls were in tank tops??? Is it not winter ??? Miss you a ton!
