OK...we have returned from a CRAZY visit to Foz do Iguaçu - 'Iguaçu Falls' as I am sure you have all heard of! After missing our flight (check-in time) to Foz we had to drive 8 hours there instead. (NoBigDeal.) OMG. never again. WE WILL NOT MISS OUR CHECK-IN TIMES EVER AGAIN. Overall a successful journey to one of what i think should be considered "one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World"! Just pure amazing-ness it was to see these Falls.
We also visited Parque das Aves... Bird Park... full of new Brazilian and South American birds/animals/reptiles! I have to say the creatures are beautiful - my favorite being the TOUCAN. They are ever so friendly and we were able to pet them and listen to this funny little noise they make as you pet them... (eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh) really fast!!! haha. somthing like that - if you can imagine! (Kait I'm sure you would LOVE THIS).
In our nightly adventures we took a family adventure to the Cine Cataratas (Waterfalls Theater) and saw Transformers! All movies are in English with Portuguese subtitles. AMAZING. However I cannot imagine not understanding English and watching the movie!?!?! They don't understand the funny puns or 'play-on-words' AT ALL - they don't even translate them in the subtitles. So, pretty much when people in the movie are saying 'oh man - hey W.T.F.!?' nobody laughs b/c they don't translate it or understand the American slang! haha!!! SO pretty much that leaves my whole family cracking up at all these parts and everyone else just silent.
Anyway... we are back in Curitiba now - after our 8 hour drive through the state of Paraná!
We depart for beautiful well-known RIO de JANEIRO tomorrow!! Much to see! Enjoy the PICS!

here you can see Curitiba and then where we drove to Foz do Iguaçu.
Mimi in the Foz Mist/ crazy water everywhere from the strength of the falls.
We were soaking wet. Basically we showered in the falls.
Mimi's mascara running off her face...ha!
At the amazing buffet bar after the falls...
We all have face symbols - we made them up - according to our EYE shapes. Tiff=Chinese Nat=Owl eyes and Demi=Bassett hound eyes
YUmmmyyy Foooodd!!!
The Brazil Racoon - i call it a Brazacoon.
just cause she's so silly. And freakin Adorable.
posin with the animal!
bahahaha. SILLY SISTER.
Rafain SHOW!
Grapefruit drinks! Saude! Chin-Chin!
More pics to come of the Parque das Aves!!
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