Beautiful Curitiba

Beautiful Curitiba

Friday, July 1, 2011

Vamos Lá ...

Coritiba x Ceará  - Vai Coxa !

Coca-Cola viewing box... SO BALLIN. ;)

Brazil and Team Anthems were played...

Vai Vai Vai!

No players on the field... before the game started...

Of course in our box a guy had won tickets to that game off of the radio... he's is getting interviewed by TV Pop about it...haha!

PSSST... haha... The door to the Coke skybox. :)

Dinner at a very nice Italian Restaurant after the game :)

Here is my dish! Isto é Salmão Grelhado com Manoquino puree. Mutio Bom!

Off to the health care facility to get our Yellow Fever Vaccine so we don't catch it in Foz de Iguaçu! I want to say Thank You to Dr. Yu-ree for the advice on the vaccine and for making my hatred towards needles go away the past 3 years! I had no problems at this facility receiving that shot! WHEW!

One our companies smaller vans on the go!

Singin and Dancing in the Rain! Rains off and on here!

THE BEST SUSHI I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE. A Boatload of a Japanese Rodizio style - so the food just kept coming...we had to tell them to stop cause we were SO FULL!  (Mark you would have loved this place - SO MUCH FOOD.)

Quite the experience here... can't go wrong with food. Brazil knows how to serve it up! Everyone have a safe, happy and super fun 4th of July weekend!!!


  1. Super jealous about the sky box for the game, but still more jealois about all the awesome food you are eating!!! And I love the singing in the rain, but I am happy to be where it is hot :-)
    You girls should find some sparklers or something to celebrate the 4th!

  2. hahaaha.
    YES!! awesome food! i wish it were warm here toooo AHHH!!! sooooo RAINY TODAY... huge downfall. lol. we went to this awesome "Little Italy" called Santa Felicadade ... awesomeness! anyway - we should try to find some sparklers somewhere!!! hahaha USA USA USA!!! :)
    xoxo Kait!
